For more than 20 years Aurora Tree service has been serving the people of Aurora, Denver, and surrounding areas. It is no secret that we intend to be the most recognized company in our area. It is not for vain conceit but rather because we are passionate about helping people beautify their property. Our team is comprised of a group of men and women that love spending time outdoors. Founded as a local family business, we have grown our team to more than 25 people.
At Aurora Tree Service, we treat our employees like family because we know that if we take care of them, they will take care of our customers that we have worked so hard to acquire. We take time to make sure that they are comfortable with executing the tasks that are required of them on the job. Being in a profession that is ranked as one of the most dangerous jobs in the world, we can never be to safe. Our methodology involves teaching our team to start out slow and methodically with safety and precision in mind. Rushing procedures can lead to accidents, injuries, and even death. It is for this reasons that we emphasize safety so much for both our employees and customers.